Friday, May 14, 2010

Someday my prince will come....SOMEDAY...

It's really hard to wait. We all know it. And when it comes to finding that "perfect someone," we're especially eager.

But God doesn't always plan for us to know right away. Some people don't meet their "perfect someone" until after high school. Or until after college.

And to make it worse, while we're waiting, our friends are dating. Some of them are getting engaged, and some are getting married. Talk about singles' awareness.

I'd like to share something with you. A leader at my youth group recently gave the girls in our youth group a very useful suggestion: start a husband diary. Write letters to your future husband. Pray for him. Pray about him. Write down what you're looking for in a future husband (no matter how trivial each characteristic seems). Write down song lyrics that inspire you. It'll help you remember that there is a specific guy out there who God is saving you for...and if you happen to meet a charmer who doesn't match your qualifications for a husband, you'll know it's not your future prince and you'll know to stay away, keeping your future guy in mind. :)


  1. Hey. I have heard of the journal idea, and have gotten mixed reviews. On one hand, it is good to keep those thoughts between you, the journal, and God, but also for the most vulnerable girl it can just awaken things, even if you are writing very simple and Godly things. You know what I am saying? Nevertheless, I think it is a good idea, and presenting them in the future to your husband a person marries would probably be pretty special ;p.

  2. That's true. I personally keep a prayer journal instead of writing directly to my future husband. :) I have other friends who write letters to their future husband, but I think I would find that addicting.
