Friday, May 14, 2010

READY: May 13, 2010

Today's Passage: Genesis 25, NIV

What ladies can learn: A lot happens in this passage. Abraham takes a new wife, and they have lots of kids. We see Hagar mentioned again, and hear about Ishmael's kids. Issac prays for Rebekah and she has kids.

I want you to notice two things in this chapter. First, notice that God sees childbearing as a blessing. God rules the world. God wants us to take care of the world. And He still sees childbearing as a blessing! Our culture gives us so many reasons to limit the number of kids in every family, but that's not something that's really our decision--it's God's. So, if/when you get married, don't see having kids as a burden--see it as a blessing.

The other thing I want you to notice is that Issac prayed for Rebekah to have children. No doubt they were both discouraged while Rebekah was barren, but I would guess that Rebekah was the more discouraged. Nevertheless, Issac didn't say "Women are the ones who get pregnant, so it's your job to pray and un-barren yourself." No! Issac prayed for Rebekah. They shared the trial, and they shared the blessings.

Highlighted characteristic of God: God knows everyone's name. That may seem trivial, but think about it: the Creator of the universe, who created galaxies and worlds with little effort, and who has billions of people in His care, takes the time to know your name and care about you. Wow! That makes me think of Psalms 8:3-4, NCV: "I look at your heavens, which you made with your fingers. I see the moon and stars, which you created. But why are people even important to you? Why do you take care of human beings?"
In two words: God cares.

Highlighted characteristic for us: Have faith! God answers prayer. Issac and Rebekah prayed for God to give them a child, and He gave them two. What has God placed on your heart to pray for?
In three words: Pray and believe.

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