Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dress to Communicate

The way we dress communicates a lot about what we think. Different people dress different ways for different reasons. Sometimes, we dress a certain way to fit in. Sometimes, we dress a certain way to stand out. Sometimes we dress a certain way because we don't know how else to handle something in our life. But we usually dress to communicate. "Accept me." "Love me." "Look at me." "Admire me." "Envy me." Help me."

Maybe you're one of those people who are looking for help, but you're confused. You try to communicate "help me" through the way you dress. Or maybe you're trying to tell people about something that's going on inside of you, like "I'm depressed" or "I'm upset." If you are one of those people, it's okay--everyone needs help sometimes.

I've put the following in prayer-format for you, but you don't have to pray it if you don't want to. Maybe not everything below applies to you; that's okay. Like I said above, different people dress differently for different reasons. I'm posting the prayer below for those who need it.

And please know that you're not judged. I know that life is tough. Maybe you're not ready for the prayer below, and that's okay too. As long as you're following God, He'll lead you to His heart in His timing--and that's where you want to be.

"Dear God,
I've been wanting help. I've been crying for help, wanting to tell people that something is wrong. Wanting to tell people that I don't have all the answers, and that I'm looking for someone to help me learn them. Wanting to let people know that I don't always make the right choices, and that I need someone to rescue me.

Thank You so much for loving me, for knowing me intimately, and for dying on the cross for me. I love You and I want to follow Your ways.

If anything, I can communicate that I don't have all the answers, but that I have some--and that I'm willing to follow what I've learned right now, not at some future date when I have life all figured out. After all, I won't have all the answers until I die and go to heaven. So, since I'm following You, even though I don't have all the answers in my life, I'll follow what You've told me for now and learn more every day. You know that I sometimes head down the wrong path in life. You know that everyone sometimes chooses the wrong things. That's why You died for everyone. In fact, everyone already knows I'm not perfect. But what You want me to tell people is not that I make some wrong choices every day, but that You have rescued me from my sin. Help me communicate that.

Thank You so much for loving me and caring about me, and please help me to follow You every moment of my life. I love you.
In Jesus' name, Amen."


  1. Well, I wouldn't be concerned about the skinny jeans or camo shirts (are you trying to tell me something, Ruth?! ;p), but I know that those who dress in a very dark, demonic way (often described as emo or goth) do indeed need help. Or at least understanding. Breaking down the tough walls can be good, but people telling someone about their problem can be detrimental. It's very hard to find the correct angle! But I do think this prayer is a good start and more people should hear it and share with friends.

  2. I'll clarify my view...I personally have skinny jeans and a camo shirt in my closet :) You're right, it's tough to know someone who's "emo" or "goth," because you love them and you hate to see them hurting, :'( but you don't know how to help them. God has taught me that my place is to just be a friend (just the way I would for other friends--loving, listening, hanging out, having fun, encouraging, praying), and that He will work His will in their lives when it's His timing. And He does. After all, everyone has problems, just not everyone externalizes them the way "emos" and "goths" do. I love the movie To Save A Life partly because it deals with this issue in a great way :)

    Thanks :)
