Saturday, May 8, 2010

READY: May 8, 2010

Today's Passage: Genesis 21, NIV
What ladies can learn: Hagar is a Biblical example of a single mom. Though her situation differs from that of today's single moms, we can still learn from her example. You see, God understands that guys can be irresponsible leaders. Abraham not only fathered Hagar's child, sent her away, let her come back, and then sent her away again, but also sent Hagar away with too little water to journey to another town. Even though Abraham was irresponsible, God's plan for Hagar wasn't messed up in the slightest! God realizes that some things can come into a life or a relationship that interfere with marriage. Nevertheless, God is still a loving God who watches over each and every one of us: He's leading us, protecting us, giving us what we need to live (and then some), and giving us a future, no matter what our marital status. Yes, let's try to live by God's original plans (unless God speaks to you otherwise)--but if things happen to disrupt our hopes or dreams, let's trust that God has something better in store.

Highlighted characteristic of God: God watches over every person, and He can provide for us.
In two words: God sees.

Highlighted characteristic for us: Take a look at Hagar's life. She lives as a slave, toiling away in the ancient world as a nobody. She has a baby by Abraham at Sarah's request (she must feel pretty used). Sarah gets jealous and sends Hagar away. When Hagar returns, she lives as Sarah's slave for a few more years...and gets sent away again, this time by her son's father Abraham. Enslaved. Used. Rejected...twice. Ouch.

Sometimes, we may feel that we're used the same way by our peers. Maybe we aren't enslaved, and maybe we don't go through the extremes Hagar experienced, but we can be used and rejected all the same. When that happens, we can know that God is still watching over us and that He still has a perfect plan for us.
In three words: God's our friend.

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