Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Prince Charming

Hey everyone!
So, I've found my "Prince Charming"--my perfect guy--and I thought you might want to be introduced to him (after all the relationship-oriented posts on this blog :)

I actually met him when I was really young. He and I have lived in the same area all my life, and we grew up together. Once, right before I was three, I told him I loved him (how cute is that?). I really meant it.

But as I grew up, I started to look around at other guys. I mean, my guy friend was just a friend, and who was to say that there wasn't another guy out there to meet my need for girly romance drama?

I know that my guy friend--my now-"Prince Charming"--knew that I went go back and forth about our relationship, but he was kind and forgiving. And now I know he's the best, and I plan to stick by him forever. :)

He's an artist, and his art is known and studied all over the world. His pictures are gorgeous and complex. I honestly don't know how he does it. And yes, he painted a picture of me for me. Isn't that sweet? I mean, I'm not anyone famous. But he still notices me and loves me.

He's also a musician! (yes, he's a guy of many talents) His music, like his art, known all over the world, but not many truly appreciate it. He's gotten some mixed reviews--some have called his music "intimidating" or even "boring," but that doesn't stop him. He just keeps on composing. I think his music is beautiful--in fact, sometimes he surprises me with a song in the middle of our time together.

He gets along with my family really well, too. He's really at ease when we're together, and he treats each member of my family with value. He frequently spends time with my little brother, which I love. I'd be remiss to neglect mentioning that he also frequently spends time with my mom and dad--also very cool.

Most of my friends approve of him. Some think I should keep my options open, but I'm not sure what they see in other guys that's better than the one I'm with. And everything I said about his interactions with my family goes for his interactions with my friends, as well: he's at ease with them, spending time with them when they want, encouraging them, helping them, understanding them. He makes sure to let me know when there's someone I should stop hanging around or when there's someone who needs an invitation to hang out with our group. He even organizes events for our entire group to have a good time together!

And get this--he even writes me love letters! I love to read his letters over and over. I keep them in a little box-like area near my bed. I write him letters back, of course, but my letters can't compare to his impeccable writing.

He's helped me grow in every way. He's helped me become more mature, more loving, more forgiving, more gracious--everything I want to be. He's a strong but gentle teacher, and I love him.

We sometimes disagree, but I always end up seeing his point of view. He always keeps my best interests in mind.

He also gives me gifts. He's given me more flowers than I can count, notebooks to journal my thoughts in, necklaces, t-shirts--he even gave me an iPod! Yup, in addition to being honest, he's rich.

Here's the best part (I love telling people this story). He put his life in danger to save me once--right after an argument, before we'd resolved anything. It was during one of those times when I was looking to someone else to fill my needs, even--he and I weren't even together. He risked his life to save mine.

He didn't just risk his life. He gave his life. He died.

But he isn't dead.

That's because my Prince Charming is Jesus Christ.

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