Monday, April 4, 2011

Truly a still, small voice

As you may guess from my recent posts, I've been thinking a lot about learning to hear God's voice. It's something He's been teaching me lately.

I'd always assumed that the reason people called the voice of God a "still, small voice" was because it's inaudible and inside your heart (or head, whichever you prefer). But I only recently realized that the voice really is still and small compared to the other voices I hear...almost like He's testing to see how closely I pay attention to Him.

For example, I tend to get carried away by emotions. I think most of us teenage girls do. But God's voice isn't a strong emotion--in fact, it sometimes runs contrary to my emotions! (usually when I need an attitude change) And it's quieter than my emotions. I have to be paying attention and desiring to hear His voice.

And God's voice isn't a loud voice. I've heard incorrect--and contradicting--things from "loud" voices in my head (not literal voices; they're more like strong emotions that are really easy to translate into strong words). But God's voice isn't like that.

God's voice just comes. It doesn't need prompting or figuring it out. It's either there or it isn't.

So now, instead of talking to God and then gauging my emotions or trying to figure out what He's saying, I just talk and then relax--knowing He's God and He'll guide me or answer me in His ways and His timing.

Now, I'm just speaking from my very limited and flawed experience. I'm still learning. I'd love to hear about your experiences in the comments section, since this is a topic that I'm still growing in and I'm sure every Christian could grow in more.

That is, until we see Him face-to-face...

What a wonderful thought :)

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