Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Golden Obedience

God has been teaching me a lot about obedience lately. Let me share with you a little of what I've learned.

First of all, I'm learning that God's humble outlook looks a lot different that what I'm used to. He's been showing me how to see others in humility....yes, it's easy to see someone and say, "Well, they must not love God because they just ________." But God has been using others to show me how every person falls short of His standard--including myself. Suddenly, it's easier to love others, because I see myself in them. It's also easier for me to accept that I make mistakes and don't understand everything yet, either.

Of course, it's hard to obey when you're so aware that you don't understand everything and that no one can ever be perfect...which leads to the next point! :)

God has been teaching me that obedience to Him is something that, even when I don't completely understand it, is worth seeking after. I usually try to have everything figured out before I start obeying, but I'm learning that I don't have to "know it all" before I start out. I know enough to start in my journey of obedience, I can read my Bible and take God's cues each day, and pray for wisdom; and, hopefully, a month from now I'll be much closer to Jesus' plan for my life than I am today. But I don't have to have everything 100% figured out in every moment.

For example, I am still unsure as to how much Taylor Swift is okay for me to listen to in an effort to understand the things my friends value (while still using my time wisely and not falling into some of the less-than-godly attitudes expressed in her music). But I can take each moment and ask God how I can maximize it to His glory, whether that's learning about my friends' points of views or memorizing a Bible verse.

I'd like to finish with a passage from the NCV that really hit me today. Matthew 13 really spoke to me, and I think it could encourage you as well.

Enjoy your journey with God :) and thanks for reading!

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