Sunday, March 21, 2010

SUMMER! Modesty?

Summer is a huuuuge battlefield in the area of modesty, especially if you live somewhere hot.

Thankfully, surveyed 1,500 guys' reactions to different articles of girls' clothing. So now we have a key into the mysterious mind of guys and can know what we can wear and what we can't.

Go to to see the survey results!

Modesty quiz--think know your modesty facts? Find out!

1) Are shorts that show your kneecaps OK in casual dress?

2) Are shorts that are shorter than mid-thigh OK?

3) Do leggings and jeans make shorts/skirts outfits more modest?

4) Are tube tops acceptable?

5) Are spaghetti straps modest?

6) Are one-piece swimsuits as modest as you can get when you're swimming?

7) Are bikinis modest?

8) Is it OK to show your stomach when swimming?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions...sorry, you were wrong. Go check out the modesty survey and learn more about what summer clothing items are trendy and safe, and which take you into the danger zone of being an object of some stranger's lust....blech! :P


  1. Hey, I've read the survey and it was pretty interesting...and surprising!
