Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Speaking in Tongues

Hi again,
Abi F. had a question about speaking in tongues. I have been thinking over her question quite a bit...my views are totally in agreement with Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology, and, while citing his work, I did not want to plagiarize.

I have come to a decision. I am going to ask that, if you have any questions, you read the Systematic Theology chapters on spiritual gifts. It's excellent. I couldn't phrase or explain this touchy yet crucial issue better than Wayne Grudem does, no matter how hard I tried.


God bless!


  1. Thanks Ruth for bringing this up. I remember when you were reading Systematic Theology and I am going to start on it (or at least the tongues part since its a huge book!). Thanks for posting anyhow. What did you think of the book overall? Thanks for the great blog!

  2. Hey Abi :)

    Systematic Theology (by Wayne Grudem) IS a huge book! It took me several months of all-the-time reading it to finish it. Nevertheless, it was most definitely worth the time it took to read.

    Wayne Grudem's theology is sound and his explanations are logical; in addition, he covers many of the major conflicts in the church and presents each side of each argument without added emotion (e.g., "They believe Jesus will come back after seven years. They use such and such verses for their support, but as we examine them, we can see that Jesus probably did not mean that when he said that." vs. "They actually believe that Jesus will return after seven years! The Bible has NO support for this!!").

    I really liked the spiritual gifts/tongues chapters. I think they explained each gift and the controversies surrounding the gifts very well.

    So yes, READ IT. :) But expect it to take awhile.

    You're welcome! :) TTYL!
