Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Skirts or blue jeans?

There has been a debate going on within the Christian community as to whether it is feminine for a girl to wear jeans.

I would like to add another question to that debate: Is it advantageous to the Gospel for a girl to wear jeans?

Is it feminine to wear jeans?
Arguably, it is more feminine to wear skirts. However, it is simple enough to be feminine in jeans as well. Buying jeans from the womens' section is a good starting point. Blouses, jewelry, and pretty updos also help. Finally, carrying a feminine purse can complete the outfit with a feminine flair. Yes, it can be feminine to wear jeans.

Is it advantageous to the Gospel for a girl to wear jeans?
That depends on the culture you're in. I've heard that, in Mexico, Christian women are associated with skirts. So, in that culture, it may be better for a girl to wear a skirt. If you'd like to minister to the Amish (I'm not kidding), wearing a skirt is a good idea. If your situation is such that wearing a skirt is (a) required, or (b) acceptable (not too unusual), I would say that it's an excellent idea.
Nevertheless, for ministering to our culture it can be helpful to wear jeans. Let's look at the five questions I presented earlier for evaluating this issue:
The main question: "Should I wear skirts?"
1. Does the Bible explicitly command it?

2. Will it help me connect with the culture?
Not really

3. Will it help or hurt my faith?
That depends on where you are in your walk with Jesus. If it could make you prideful, it might hurt your faith. If it could help you act feminine, it might strengthen your faith.

4. Will it help or hurt others' faith?
It might be distracting for others, be percieved as a requirement for becoming a Christian, or make them feel looked down upon. Alternatively, it could encourage them to be more modest or feminine - but only focus on that if the crowd you're dealing with is already Christians.

5. What attitude/image does it portray?
Possible images: feminine (good), prideful (bad), self-confident (good), not needing approval from others (good), out-of-touch (bad), not hip (bad), ignorant (bad), old-fashioned (neutral).
The MOST IMPORTANT question: What is God calling you to do?
My thoughts: I love skirts! However, many of the people in my life right now need to see my blue-jeans side. They need to know that I see the same things they see, that I wear some of the same things they wear, but that it doesn't change the way I act, my Christianity, or my view on life. It may be different for you, or it may be the same.

The fact is, it's not "better" to wear blue jeans or "better" to wear skirts. It all depends on your situation. Do what God is calling you to do, because that's best.

Note: I wrote this post with girls who are ministering to the lost or baby Christians of our culture in mind, since that's what this blog is about: holding on to Jesus while establishing a healthy cultural presence (discovering what it means to be "in the world, but not of the world").


  1. Interesting post. I'd say that I normally wear skirts more often than I wear jeans, simply because I think they fit me better and are more flattering (and are more suitable for work).

    I had an interesting experience last year when my Sociology class at university visited an uber-conservative Christian group here in NZ (widely regarded a cult). Over there, ALL the women wear identical long sleeved blue dresses and the men trousers, shirts and ties in a similar colour. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperites)

    When we visited, it was the middle of winter and even snowed a little, so as a result, I (and all the other women in the class) wore comfortable pants and thick jackets!

    When we arrived, the leader of the group asked me why I was "dressing like a man" by wearing trousers and pulling my (actually very very long) hair back into a bun? I was surprised by this because dressing like a man was NOT what I had intended when I got dressed at all. I wore what I wore because I deemed it to be appropriate for the trip!

    Yeah. This probably isn't terribly relevent to your post, or even interesting to you, but reading this jogged my memory anyway. :)

  2. That was really interesting, actually! :) I enjoyed reading it, thanks for posting it.

    You don't have to answer this, but I was just wondering...was the conservative group Mormon (Latter-Day Saints)?

    I think it's good to remember that what we wear to one group can be seen in a totally different light when we wear it somewhere else.
    Thanks again!
    In Him,

  3. Hi!
    This part in your post didn't make sense to me:

    _It might be distracting for others, be perceived as a requirement for becoming a Christian, or make them feel looked down upon. Alternatively, it could encourage them to be more modest or feminine - but only focus on that if the crowd you're dealing with is already Christians._

    -Are you saying that wearing a skirt can be distracting to others?
    I don't think it is, I know that Jeans on a girl is distracting to men because I have witnessed many men say so. They also have said that Skirts are more attractive.
    And this here is this about wearing skirts also:?
    _Possible images: feminine (good), prideful (bad), self-confident (good), not needing approval from others (good), out-of-touch (bad), not hip (bad), ignorant (bad), old-fashioned (neutral)._

    Do we have to be hip to look good?

    Please give me a few answers....

  4. Hi Blondie,
    Thanks for your comment and questions! I put a lot of thought into answering your questions; they were so deep, I decided they justified a "Skirts Part II" post (where you can find the answers)
