Sunday, April 12, 2009

The right mindset

"It's OK if I get's not nearly as bad as some of the things girls my age do."
"What was wrong with it? It's not like I dyed my hair purple or skipped school."
"I'm not so bad."

If you've heard any of these voices inside your head recently, you've heard the voice of the enemy. God says that we are all sinners, and we know this - all the way up to the point when we hang out with our non-Christian friends. Then, it seems that we are somewhat good.

Before you ask why you should be hanging out with this sort of people, remember that Jesus says that "It is not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick." (Matthew 9:12) We are supposed to socialize with this sort of people so that we can shine God's truth in their lives.

However, we are not to become like them or one of them. We are told to guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23). The Bible warns us that "[b]ad company corrupts good character" (1 Corinthians 15:33), so we always need to be on our watch. Yes, it can be difficult. Being around people doing "worse" sins than you can make you feel prideful.
Huge red flags should be going up here!
Are any sins "better" or "worse"? No, they're not. All sins are equal. That means that when you let your guard down on one area, even a little, you're doing something that put Jesus on the cross.
Do not settle for "good enough" by the world's standard, because with Jesus it's all or nothing.

Keep shining your light! :) :)

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