Friday, May 27, 2011

The Respect Dare: Day 5

(feeling a little lost? See what this is all about)

I know, I've gotten's Day 5. Sorry for the delay! 

Proverbs 22:3 says, "The wise see danger ahead and avoid it, but fools keep going and get into trouble."

Even our best efforts sometimes fall short of preventing conflict. That's because we're all human, and, at one point or another, we're going to slip up.

However, we have to admit, many times we can see "danger" ahead...and we don't bother to avoid it. We want to prove that we are strong-willed and independent. In reality, we're just fools.

Today, choose to be truly strong. Choose to avoid danger. 

Some tips:
  • Don't let yourself get too hungry. An empty stomach just screams trouble.
  • Watch your attitude. Even attitudes you think can be hidden from your parents will come out in your tone and your manner.
  • Apologize quickly. If you make a mistake, say so, and apologize for it. This will also help your parents trust you during times you actually didn't do something wrong and are trying to prove it.
  • Just walk away. Your opinions WILL differ from your parents' opinions at times, but you don't always have to "convince" them to agree with you.
Don't forget to keep doing what your parents tell you to (day 1) without complaining or arguing (day 2), obeying with a cheerful spirit and a smile (day 3) and doing unasked-for favors (day 4)!

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