Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tough Questions Post 2: Were David and Jonathan gay?

Um, no.

Honestly, I don't know where this assertion came from. Were David and Jonathan gay? Well, let's think about it.


Let me ask you a question: are you friends with people of your same gender? Yes, you are? Do you have close friends that are your same gender? Yeah? You really do?

Wow, I didn't know you were gay! What is it like, you know, being gay?

Or for you gay and lesbian people: are you friends with individuals of the opposite gender? Yes, you are? Do you have close friends that are the opposite gender? Yeah? You really do?

Wow, I didn't know you were straight! I thought you were gay/lesbian. What is it like to be straight?

The statement "David and Jonathan were gay" just doesn't make sense. Sure, I know that there were gay people in that time period, and yes, I agree - it could have happened. But we're talking about whether or not it did happen. The Bible clearly points out gay people, as seen in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.

We don't know a ton about David's friendship with Jonathan, but we do know a ton about David's relationship with women. And David certainly was straight. Think of Bathsheba (ew). David had many, many, many wives. David actually desired women.

Do gay men desire women? I don't think so. Men who like women are called "straight," not "gay."

So no, they weren't gay. Good try, but that theory just doesn't hold up.

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