Thursday, December 3, 2009


I just realized this today...I don't have time for a whole post, but...

You know when we say someone's beautiful inside and out? Or someone is beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside?

Everyone was created beautiful. Everyone IS beautiful on the inside. But some people let sin run rampant in their lives (willingly), and we begin to see the sin instead of the person. Not because there's anything wrong with us, but because the person is letting the sin DEFINE them.

Like people who are mean and don't care if they hurt others' feelings. They were created beautiful, and they still have that potential. They still are beautiful. But like fog on a mirror, they let sin mask their personality until all we can see is sin - and sin is ugly. When they repent of their sin, their beautiful self begins to shine through. As they try harder and harder to follow Jesus, their beauty becomes more and more obvious.

We are all beautiful on the inside..sometimes our lives just need a really good scrubbing ;)

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