Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Why I don't listen to Taylor Swift's music

Disclaimer: this is not about Taylor Swift herself. I am very glad that she abstains from using swear words, and I'm thankful for her commitment to purity. I'm sure she has many other admirable qualities. I also realize that we are all sinners, and I am not judging her. I know that I have been just as bad of a sinner as she has been. I am simply reviewing her music because I am faced with the decision to listen or not to listen. Because I have made the choice to not listen to her music, and because it appears to be an unusual choice among Christians, I believe it is good to share why I have chosen not to listen to her music. I am not knocking free speech or imposing a restriction upon anyone except myself. I believe in free speech. Talor Swift is free to sing what she wants. You and I are free to listen or not to listen to what she sings. Just as she is free to express her opinion about her crushes, boyfriends, and ex-boyfriends, I am free to express my opinion about her songs. As a Christian, I will refrain from judging her life and motives and stick to the content of her songs.

Thank you for reading the disclaimer and understanding my viewpoint. Now, why I don't listen to Taylor Swift:

1. I don't listen because every moment is a chance to glorify God. When you listen to Taylor Swift, are you praying continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17)? Maybe so. Maybe not. If the answer is no, then every moment spent listening to Taylor Swift is indeed a moment spent ignoring your Savior. Because of this, I listen to praise songs a lot. If I have a chance to listen to a song with lyrics, I would rather spend that moment with Jesus than with anyone else.

2. I don't listen because the Bible instructs us to not awaken love early (Song of Solomon 2:7, 3:5, 8:4). Listening to songs about crushes and boyfriends could tempt me to sin in my thoughts toward someone else's future husband, taking some of my affection away from Jesus and my own future husband (if God has one in store for me). Of course, if that isn't a problem for you, great! Nevertheless, I know that many of us could dream on and on about boys who we think "look like angels," who we'd love to "kiss in the rain" as in Taylor Swift's song "Hey Stephen." Her song "Picture to Burn" could tempt us to entertain thoughts that, though they are natural, are not honoring to Jesus. Focusing on Jesus and refusing other idols can be a battle. Listening to these songs won't make the battle any easier. Yes, I know that there is much worse music out there, but there is also better music that can help us focus on Jesus.

For these two reasons, I have decided to abstain from Taylor Swift's music. Because I try to use every moment to God's glory, I don't usually listen to music that might distract me from that. Because I don't want to lead myself down the wrong road in life, I keep away from songs that could make me think less-than-godly thoughts. Sadly, Taylor Swift's music is not something I have decided to add to my iPod. Though I am overwhelmingly glad that she sings better songs than the rest of the secular world, Christians aren't called to simply be better than the world. We're called to strive toward the goal of perfection in Jesus. Though none of us will reach it in this life, He still wants us to do our best.

Taylor Swift's calling is between her and God. Maybe He is calling her to sing secular songs and be a modest, virgin role model for non-Christian girls. I don't know. It's not my life. What I do know is what God is calling me to, right now.

Thank you for reading my opinion. I will be praying for God to work in your heart and give you discernment, no matter what you decide regarding the music you listen to. I am not saying that truth is relative, because truth is absolute. I believe that, if you are a Christian, listening to Taylor Swift isn't beneficial. However, we have free will, and you are free to come to a different conclusion. Please feel free to use the comment area below to discuss this issue further, no matter if you agree or disagree. And, as always, God bless you!

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Family Under Attack

Change the world - what does that phrase bring to mind? A well in Africa? Coats for orphans? Bibles to China?
Those are all great things, but would it shock you if I said that you should focus on your family first?

God has placed you with a group of people. This group of people is not the poor in Africa or the orphans in Russia or the believers in China. Though those are all good causes, we need to first make sure that we are following God's will where we are: in our homes.

How does our world view the family?

Think about that for a moment. Then answer the next question:

How does God view the family? What should a family look like?

Then comes the final question:

Is this the way Christian families are behaving?

The world's philosophies have a tendency to creep into the Christian worldview. Unfortunately, the culture sees the family as a group of people forced to live together. Many families today are victim to many of the sins mentioned in the Bible: envy and jealosy, complaining, arguing, disrespect, impatience, selfishness, and a lack of love. How do I know? God has blessed me with a great family, but I've heard plenty of things from other people whose families are suffering from this "me-me-me" mindset. One sure sign that God values something is when it comes under spiritual attack, and the family is one of the things God has great value for. Accordingly, it is under attack today.